Herman Ruslim
Why we need company valuation, the agency theory said that there is a conflict between agent n shareholders or stakeholders, also there is a conflict between shareholders and creditors, the conflict arises because of asymmetry information, with knowing the value, the company will aware, how important a goal of the company. Since the company value is dynamic, therefore we need value the company periodically whether is in line with vision and mission in order to achieve superior value creation. We also assist the company to calculate ESOP, Call Price, Put Price, Hedging Price for financial risk and credit risk especially for non listed companies, with Black Scholes and Binomial Models. Intangible Assets valuation such as work forced, patent, royalty, technology, customer list, brand names, we and the team can assist you to calculate your intangible assets and in case of merger and acquisition, we assist auditor to calculate goodwill for purchase price allocation. Who Needs Business Valuation: Tax Authority, OJK, Stakeholders, Government, Management, Commissioners, Independent Auditor, Tax Consultant, Shareholders, Creditor, and Investor
- 11 November 2009, IICD (Indonesia Institute for Corporate Directorship). Occupation: Finance for Director – Pembicara. Topic: Valuation Interpreting Financial Statement and Performances;
- 8 April 2010, Finance for Director – Pembicara. Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), Raising Capital;
- 9-11 Oktober 2010, Bandung, IICD-ASGARA – Risk Management Integration for Insurance Companies BUMN;
- May 2011 Yogjakarta, IICD seminar for ‘Board Roles, Director Duties and Liabilities”;
- 12 November 2010, Untar “Discussion Forum Corporate Governance and Risk Management”;
- 09 July 2011 – 14 July 2012, Inhouse Training Basic Accounting for ODP BNI, Batch II, as an Instructor;
- 11 Agustus 2011, Le Meridien Hotel, Golden Bridge Indonesia, Speaker “Strategic Valuation for Leadership”;
- 15 September 2011, Universitas Tarumanagara, “Seminar Nasional Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi Bisnis I” Sebagai Moderator.
- 2014 – Present, KAP Herman Ruslim. Jabatan Fungsional: Pimpinan KAP;
- 2013 – Present, KJPP Herman Meirizki dan Rekan. Jabatan Fungsional: Managing Partner;
- 2012 – Present, Kaprodi MAKSI dan PPA Untar;
- 2010 – 2013, KAP Utoyo Widyasari dan Iwan. Jabatan Fungsional: Manager Audit. Job Responsibilities: General Audit, Agreed Upon Procedures, dan Mengawasi dan mereview kertas kerja audit;
- 2009 – 2012, KJPP Paulus Tedjalaksana. Jabatan Fungsional: Associate Managing Partner. Job Responsibilities: Business/ Company Valuation. Including: Penilaian entitas bisnis, penyertaan, instrument surat berharga dan derivative, penilaian hak dan kewajiban perusahaan, penilaian aktiva tidak berwujud, penilaian kerugian ekonomis yang diakibatkan oleh suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa tertentu (economic damage), penilaian atas transaksi material dan/ atau transaksi benturan kepentingan, opini kewajaran, studi kelayakan usaha.
- February 2004 – Present, Konsultan Keuangan Herman & Rekan Job Responsibility as Managing Partner Company Valuation, Restructuring, Spin off, Reorganization, Financing; Business Plan Risk Management Banking; Good Corporate Governances Banking; Merger & Acquisition (M&A), IPO & Investment Risk Management, Valuation and Fundamental Analysis Activities Restructuring, Valuation and Business Plan Activities.
- Maintain relationship with corporate customer;
- Doing credit analysis wtih 5 C’s;
- Asset Sales Valuation;
- Risk Management Analysis;
- Monitoring the existing corporate credit;
- Report the progress of corporate customers and problems if any;
- Prepare Offering Letter and Review draft Agreement.
- Maintain relationship with corporate customers;
- Doing credit analysis with 5 C’s;
- Asset Sales Valuation;
- Credit Supervision and action plan each of the account;
- Corporate credit Scoring each of the account;
- Manage Corporate customers and problems shooters;
- Manage the credit accounts and staffs as well
- Doing compliance test and substantive test;
- Prepare working papers;
- Review draft audit.
Approach, Project Financing Evaluation, Credit Analyst, Syndication, Loan Supervision, Monitoring and Credit Management.
Indonesia (PSPI) has completed Certified Property Analyst (CPA) Program;
Challenge, Opportunity and Recovery;
Training of Trainers Corporate Governance Board Leadership Program for the Banking Sector Ayodya Resort, Bali,
Asia Ocean Region organized by Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI);
Terkait Implementasinya Pada Industri Minerba dan Oil & Gas Workshop Critical Overview SPAP Baru Berbasis International Standards on Auditing (ISA);
Perpajakan – Master Degree.
Akuntansi dan Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan Untar
(Universitas Multimedia Nusantara);
(Ukrida); Implementasi Manajmen Risiko Perusahaan Asuransi (Ukrida);