KJPP Herman Meirizki dan Rekan

Your Professional Valuation Partners

Share Valuation

Share Valuation

Valuation methods typically fall into two main categories: absolute and relative. Two Categories of Valuation Models

Absolute valuation models attempt to find the intrinsic or “true” value of an investment based only on fundamentals. Looking at fundamentals simply means you would only focus on such things as dividends, cash flow and growth rate for a single company, and you wouldn’t worry about any other companies. Valuation models that fall into this category include the dividend discount model, discounted cash flow model, residual income models and asset-based models.

Property Valuation

Property Valuation

Property valuation is a process to estimated the market value of property on the date of valuation. The valuation purposes are for buying and selling purposes, tax purposes, mortgage a property, etc.

Fairness Opinion

A fairness opinion is a professional evaluation by an investment bank or other third party as to whether the terms of a merger, acquisition, buyback, spin-off, or privatization are fair. It is rendered for a fee.

Fairness Opinion

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